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Face lift in Turkey

Facelift Surgery in Turkey is one of the most widely recognized restorative surgeries today. Consistently many people undergo facelift medical procedures in Turkey. The primary goal of this medical procedure is to make your facial skin smooth and young-looking.

The present basic factors that contribute to skin aging are sun damage, stress, lack of time to rest, and a polluted environment, and they can vastly aggravate having an old-looking face. However, Cosmetic Clinics & Hospitals can help you to revitalize your face over into younger and more attractive looking. We have the best and most advanced technology and the best specialists that are well trained to help you to feel better and look great.

what best candidates for a Face Lift procedure:

A medical evaluation is required to determine if a patient qualifies for facelift surgery. Dr. Mert sometimes recommends patients stop taking certain medications in the days or weeks leading up to a facelift. Patients may also need to stop taking various herbal supplements or anti-inflammatory drugs and avoid smoking before a facelift.

Dr. Mert provides detailed instructions to help a patient prepare for a facelift. The goal of these instructions is to ensure a patient can minimize facelift surgery risks.

Every patient heals at a different rate and younger patients generally heal faster than older patients. Patients go through stages of healing. The first stage lasts about 10 days. During this time swelling will increase up to the fourth day and then begin to disappear. From 10 days to 14 days, most patients find that the swelling and bruising have decreased to the point that social and work activities can be resumed.

From 3 weeks to 6 months, healing continues until the final results are fully achieved. In most patients, 90% of the final result will be visible after 3 months.

Yes. It is often the case that patients need rejuvenation in both areas. Having both procedures during one surgery reduces recovery time and eliminates the risk of additional surgery.

Anyone considering a facelift should be concerned about incision placement. It is hard to hide scars, especially for women who wear their hair shorter and male patients.

Dr. Mert is one of the most qualified facial plastic surgeons in the country. He meticulously makes incisions where they will be well hidden and uses special techniques to close the incisions so that his patients heal with virtually unnoticeable scars when fully healed.